COVID-19 Response
Emergency Response
To date, the Foundation has committed a total of $18 million in COVID-19 emergency funding within all of its priority communities. The Foundation is committed to supporting current grantees that are providing vital services within their communities while facing severe operational challenges as a result of the pandemic.
Long-term Response
As part of its long-term COVID-19 response, the Foundation has committed an additional $7.5 million in grants to three Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs). CDFIs provide loans and financial services to communities, particularly communities of color, where conventional financing is typically unavailable or unaffordable.
The Foundation is proactively directing its emergency grant support and is not encouraging unsolicited funding requests.
Phase 1 Grants
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation committed $4 million in emergency grant funding as the Foundation’s initial response to the developing COVID-19 public health crisis.
You can learn more about Phase 1 of the Foundation’s COVID-19 emergency response here.
- Baltimore
- Hawaiʻi
- Israel
- New York City
- Chicago
- San Francisco
- Northeastern Pennsylvania
- National
Total of $500,000 in emergency grants
Baltimore Community Foundation
$100,000 operating grant to support the COVID-19 Evolving Community Needs Fund that will enable rapid response to mitigate the effects of the current public health emergency, as well as the Baltimore County Response Fund that is coordinating a response focused on families and older adults
Center for Urban Families
$25,000 operating grant to help families maintain stable employment and financial stability
CHAI: Comprehensive Housing Assistance, Inc.
$50,000 operating grant to provide economic assistance for families in the City, as well as a range of emergency services for older adults
Community Assistance Network
$25,000 operating grant to provide essential household resources for residents in Baltimore County
Franciscan Center
$25,000 operating grant to provide emergency assistance and supportive services, including hot meals, pantry items, clothing, and toiletries for residents
Fund for Educational Excellence
$25,000 operating grant to support Baltimore City Public Schools’ Emergency School Closure Family Support Fund that will provide food and essential supplies for families who visit emergency meal sites
Jewish Community Services
$50,000 operating grant to support the increased demand for emergency needs, food insecurity, and tele-case management
Maryland Food Bank
$50,000 operating grant to support additional food distribution for residents
Maryland Philanthropy Network
$25,000 operating grant to support efforts convening funders and local governments statewide with the goal of responding more efficiently and to support the purchase of essential supplies for partner organizations
Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland
$25,000 operating grant to support meal delivery for older adults
Moveable Feast
$25,000 operating grant to support meal and grocery delivery, as well as nutritional counseling and other services for individuals with life-threatening illnesses
United Way of Central Maryland
$75,000 operating grant to support the COVID-19 Community Fund, as well as the 211-assistance line that connects residents with critical services
Total of $400,000 in emergency grants
Catholic Charities
$50,000 operating grant to support increased emergency assistance for families
Family Life Center
$25,000 operating grant to support housing and economic security for families on Maui and Kauaʻi
Family Promise of Hawaiʻi
$50,000 operating grant to help families secure and maintain housing and emergency shelter on Oʻahu
The Food Basket
$100,000 operating grant to support food distribution for residents of Hawaiʻi Island, to help small farms provide produce to their communities, and to help Hawaiʻi Good Food Alliance provide food to their communities
Hawaiʻi Foodbank Oʻahu
$50,000 operating grant to provide additional food for residents
Hope Services Hawaiʻi
$25,000 operating grant to support access to health and comprehensive services for residents on Hawaiʻi Island
Institute for Human Services
$50,000 operating grant to support comprehensive services for residents on Oʻahu
Kauaʻi Independent Food Bank
$25,000 operating grant to support food distribution for residents of Kauaʻi and to help small farms provide produce to their communities
Maui Food Bank
$25,000 operating grant to support food distribution for families and older adults in Maui County
Total of $250,000 in emergency grants
$50,000 operating grant to support food and emergency supplies for older adults, including Holocaust survivors, as well as overtime costs for staff providing heightened care for these older adults
Claims Conference
$50,000 operating grant to support food and emergency supplies for homebound Holocaust survivors
$50,000 operating grant to support food and emergency hygiene products for homebound older adults
$50,000 operating grant to support daily hot meals for residents
United Hatzalah
$50,000 operating grant to support the Emergency Covid-19 Response Fund that is working to provide protective gear, medical supplies, and other critical equipment for emergency personnel supporting homebound older adults
New York City
Total of $425,000 in emergency grants
Bowery Residents Committee
New York City
$50,000 operating grant to support a range of programs and services, including outreach to the homeless, transitional and permanent housing, substance abuse treatment, mental and physical health services, workforce development, and senior services
City Harvest
New York City
$50,000 operating grant to support continued food delivery for residents
Jewish Aging Services Association (JASA)
New York City
$75,000 operating grant to support the essential needs of older adults, as well as the immediate needs of direct service staff who are still performing field work
Met Council
New York City
$75,000 operating grant to provide resources for older adults, as well as emergency food for members of the Jewish community
New York Community Trust
New York City
$50,000 operating grant to support the NYC COVID-19 Response and Impact Fund that will help bridge the gap for nonprofits losing revenue
Robin Hood Foundation
New York City
$50,000 operating grant to support the Robin Hood Relief Fund that will enable rapid response to mitigate the effects of the current public health emergency in the City
Sanctuary for Families
New York City
$25,000 operating grant to support emergency needs for those escaping domestic violence and other forms of abuse
Selfhelp Community Services
New York City
$25,000 operating grant to support emergency food and other direct services for those aging in place, including Holocaust survivors from the Former Soviet Union (FSU)
Services & Advocacy for LGBT Elders (SAGE)
New York City
$25,000 operating grant to support emergency food and other direct services for LGBT older adults
Total of $300,000 in emergency grants
All Chicago
$50,000 operating grant to support the COVID-19 Agency Emergency Fund that is working to ensure
agencies are supported in their response to the crisis and that the homeless response system remains in
The Ark
$50,000 operating grant to support the local Jewish community with financial assistance, meals,
medicine, and other essential services
CJE Senior Life
$25,000 operating grant to provide meals and critical support for older adults, including Holocaust survivors, within the Jewish community
Greater Chicago Food Depository
$25,000 operating grant to support the purchase of additional food for residents
New Moms
$25,000 operating grant to support the purchase of essential supplies, including diapers and wipes, as
well as additional food and financial assistance for residents who are losing their hourly jobs
Northern Illinois Food Bank
$25,000 operating grant to support the distribution of emergency food boxes for residents, especially
older adults
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago & Chicago Community Trust
$100,000 operating grant to support the Chicago Community COVID-19 Response Fund to ensure the region’s health and human service organizations have the resources they need to operate at their highest capacity
San Francisco
Total of $300,000 in emergency grants
Community Foundation of San Joaquin
San Francisco
$75,000 operating grant to support the Mayor of Stockton’s COVID-19 Response Fund that is working to increase the capacity of frontline nonprofits facing increasing demand for services
Jewish Family and Children’s Services of San Francisco
San Francisco
$25,000 operating grant to support this organization’s emergency fund that will be used to help isolated, older adults and sick members of the community
Rising Up Campaign (under Larkin Street)
San Francisco
$75,000 operating grant to support public and private agencies working together to support homeless youth
San Francisco and Marin Food Bank
San Francisco
$75,000 operating grant to support additional food distribution for residents
Tipping Point
San Francisco
$50,000 operating grant to support nonprofits on the frontlines of this crisis
Northeastern Pennsylvania
Total of $300,000 in emergency grants
Commission on Economic Opportunity
Northeastern Pennsylvania
$150,000 operating grant to support the purchase of additional food, as well as transportation costs, for residents
Community Intervention Center
Northeastern Pennsylvania
$25,000 operating grant to support comprehensive services for residents
Jewish Community Alliance of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Northeastern Pennsylvania
$25,000 operating grant to support the distribution of kosher food for residents in the Jewish community
Jewish Family Service of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Northeastern Pennsylvania
$25,000 operating grant to support the distribution of kosher food for residents in the Jewish community
United Neighborhood Centers of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Northeastern Pennsylvania
$50,000 operating grant to support access to health care programs, food bags for pick up, and outreach for older adults experiencing isolation
Valley Youth House
Northeastern Pennsylvania
$25,000 operating grant to support the social distancing of youth with hotel stays, as well as overtime for additional staff needed
Total of $100,000 in emergency grants
Claims Conference
Throughout the United States
$50,000 operating grant to support food and emergency supplies for homebound Holocaust survivors
The Network of Jewish Human Services Agencies (NJHSA)
Throughout the United States
$50,000 operating grant to support this organization’s direct services agencies with best practices, information and resources, professional development, and other support
Phase 2 Grants
The Weinberg Foundation has committed an additional $6.5 million in emergency grant funding to nonprofits in all of its priority communities as part of the Foundation’s Phase 2 response to the COVID-19 public health crisis.
You can learn more about Phase 2 of the Foundation’s COVID-19 emergency response here.
Abilities Network
$10,000 operating grant to support the delivery of virtual services for homebound clients facing social isolation
AHC Greater Baltimore
$15,000 operating grant to support the distribution of food and other essential items for residents
Alameda County Community Food Bank
San Francisco
$50,000 operating grant to support additional food distribution for residents
All Chicago Making Homelessness History
$100,000 program grant to support the Expedited Housing Initiative that will house up to 2,500 homeless individuals and families, especially those residing in hotels, for one year
Aloha Harvest
$100,000 operating grant to support community partnerships that provide individuals with access to healthy and nutritious food
Aloha United Way
$100,000 operating grant to support the coordination and provision of emergency assistance services for households at-risk of losing their home and/or utility services
Aloha United Way
$75,000 program grant to support Partners in Care’s coordinated efforts to meet the rising need of housing assistance
New York City
$50,000 operating grant to support the implementation of a 24/7 hotline, case management, emergency shelter, and counseling for those escaping domestic violence
ASSAF – Aid Organization for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Israel
$50,000 operating grant to support asylum seekers who have been laid off and do not have access to benefits, including food, housing, and health care
Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel (ARCCI)
$200,000 operating grant to support nine rape crisis centers that are understaffed due to the rise in women escaping violence
The Association of the Ruth Vrobel Foundation
$25,000 operating grant to provide emergency health assistance for homebound older adults with chronic illnesses
Asylee Women Enterprise
$10,000 operating grant to support essential services for immigrants and their families
Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Healthcare
$30,000 operating grant to support the training of residents as community health workers and contact tracers with the goal of stopping chains of transmission while providing sustainable employment opportunities
Baltimore Corps
$200,000 program grant to support the recruitment of contact tracers with the goal of stopping chains of transmission, while providing sustainable employment opportunities
The Baltimore Station
$25,000 operating grant to support veterans who are working to overcome obstacles regaining self-sufficiency
Behavioral Health Leadership Institute
$15,000 operating grant to support the increased demand for mental health services in the community
Beit Avraham
$25,000 operating grant to provide on-site support for nursing home residents, as well as virtual support for day care center participants, with the goal of improving social isolation
Bon Secours of Maryland Foundation
$25,000 operating grant to support the distribution of food and other essential items for residents
Bowery Resident’s Committee
New York City
$50,000 program grant to support emergency housing needs and to help those experiencing homelessness through the use of stabilization beds and additional support services
Breaking Ground
New York City
$150,000 operating grant to support the immediate needs of tenants and staff located at 24 residential sites serving individuals with disabilities and other vulnerabilities
Breaking Ground
New York City
$50,000 program grant to support emergency housing needs and to help those experiencing homelessness through the use of stabilization beds and additional support services
New York City
$50,000 program grant to support emergency housing needs and to help those experiencing homelessness through the use of stabilization beds and additional support services
Building Futures
San Francisco, CA
$50,000 operating grant to support this organization that provides housing and other emergency services for women escaping domestic violence, as well as formerly homeless women
Caregivers Israel
$25,000 operating grant to provide emergency virtual support, including online personal counseling and support groups, for caregivers
CASA de Maryland
$25,000 operating grant to support food delivery and case management for immigrant households who are unable to access CARES Act relief
CASH Campaign of Maryland
$10,000 operating grant to support financial education and coaching for residents, as well as screening for public benefits
Catherine’s Family and Youth Services
$10,000 operating grant to support the distribution of food and other essential items and to provide tutoring and academic support for youth participating in this organization’s out-of-school time program
Charm City Care Connection
$25,000 operating grant to support this organization’s work serving individuals experiencing homelessness
Chicago Community Trust
$100,000 program grant to support the Equitable Recovery Fund that will enhance contact tracing efforts by providing wraparound services and career pathways for individuals hired as tracers
Chicago Community Trust
$75,000 program grant to support the Chicago Education Equity COVID-19 Response Fund with the goal of addressing the medium and long-term challenges within the education system
Compass Family Services
San Francisco
$50,000 operating grant to support this organization as it works to increase food access, temporary shelter, and the distribution of family COVID kits, which include gift cards to support the purchase of food, diapers, and other necessities
Coppin Heights Community Development Corporation
$20,000 operating grant to provide rent payment deferrals and other essential services for residents
CUCS Initiatives
New York City
$50,000 program grant to support emergency housing needs and to help those experiencing homelessness through the use of stabilization beds and additional support services
Dayspring Programs
$25,000 operating grant to support a range of housing and supportive services for families
Digital Harbor Foundation
$50,000 program grant to support the Digital Equity Initiative, a collaborative of more than 50 partners working to ensure Baltimore City Public Schools students, adult learners, and workforce development program participants can continue learning digitally
Boston, MA
$25,000 program grant to support the staffing and operations of a national mental health services network for Jews of color, as well as programs that address the immediate needs of Jews of color
The Door
New York City
$225,000 operating grant to provide comprehensive services, including health care, crisis assistance, supportive housing, education, and food
Educational Alliance
New York City
$50,000 program grant to support Project ORE, an organization that is providing emergency food, counseling, case management, and other supportive services for isolated older adults
$25,000 operating grant to provide emergency support, including food, counseling, and other essential services, for young adult women with limited family support
$25,000 operating grant to provide case management, food, housing assistance, and job training for people experiencing mental illness
Episcopal Housing Corporation
$20,000 operating grant to support the distribution and delivery of food and other household essentials
$50,000 operating grant to support virtual mental health services for homebound individuals experiencing anxiety and emotional distress
Erie Health Center
$50,000 operating grant to support the increased demand for services provided by this federally qualified health center, including telehealth appointments
Esperanza Health Center
$25,000 operating grant to support the emergency response of this Federally Qualified Health Center, which includes extensive testing, contact tracing, telemedicine, and financial assistance
Family Crisis Center of Baltimore
$20,000 operating grant to help families move forward from domestic violence by connecting them to the necessary resources and support
Family Support Services of West Hawaiʻi
$30,000 program grant to support children and families at-risk for abuse or neglect by connecting them with behavioral health, peer support, and positive activities that promote family stability
First Place for Youth
San Francisco, CA
$25,000 operating grant to support this organization that provides shelter and food for homeless and formerly homeless youth
Fuel Fund of Maryland
$20,000 operating grant to support utility assistance for older adults and single parent households
The Fund for Public Schools
New York City
$250,000 program grant to support the needs of students, including technology, within the City’s shelter system
Fusion Partnerships
$25,000 program grant to support Mera Kitchen Collective’s community meals program that distributes hot meals for residents
Getting Out and Staying Out
New York City
$50,000 program grant to support this organization’s transition to a virtual job-readiness curriculum, as well as increased support for social workers leading virtual sessions and participants whose internships have been disrupted
Gilchrist Hospice Care
$20,000 operating grant to support the increase in demand for telehealth services for patients
Goddard Riverside
New York City
$50,000 program grant to support emergency housing needs and to help those experiencing homelessness through the use of stabilization beds and additional support services
Govans Ecumenical Development Corporation
$25,000 operating grant to provide mental health services for homeless individuals and older adults coping with social isolation and anxiety
Greater Chicago Food Depository
$50,000 program grant to support the Agency Fund that is providing targeted assistance to organizations within the food distribution network
Hawaiʻi Community Foundation
$50,000 program grant to support families in food deserts by providing supplemental SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits with the goal of increasing access to healthy, fresh produce
Hawaiʻi Investment Ready
$10,000 operating grant to support Kukulu’s work to improve real-time response and community resilience
HealthCare Access Maryland
$25,000 operating grant to support this organization’s ability to continue serving clients by connecting them with essential health services
Helping Up Mission
$25,000 operating grant to support food distribution and other emergency services for residents, including those experiencing addiction
Hetrick Martin Institute
New York City
$50,000 program grant to support this organization that provides housing, food, behavioral health care, and technology services for students focused on college access
Hillel – The Right to Choose
$25,000 capital grant to support the purchase of computers, which will be used for therapy and schoolwork for single mothers and their families who are homebound
Homeless Services United
New York City
$50,000 operating grant to support this organization’s efforts to develop strategies for the homeless services system
Hoola Na Pua
$50,000 operating grant to support this organization as it increases crisis care coordination for youth and transitions mentoring services to virtual formats
$25,000 operating grant to support the distribution of meals and other essential items for residents
Israel Religious Action Committee (IRAC)
$60,000 operating grant to provide virtual case management, counseling, food access, and health care for immigrant women who have been laid off
Itach Ma’aki
$25,000 operating grant to support the increased demand for case management and legal aid for women escaping domestic violence and/or unemployed women
Itineris Foundation
$20,000 operating grant to support social distancing accommodations and other health precautions for this organization working to provide customized job opportunities for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Jane Addams Resource Corporation (JARC)
$25,000 operating grant to support this organization’s transition to virtual programming and to help with the emergency needs of workforce training program participants
JCH Bensonhurst
New York City
$75,000 operating grant to provide emergency services for the Jewish immigrant community
Jewish Child and Family Services
$25,000 operating grant to support case management, counseling, and emergency rent and utility assistance for those escaping domestic violence
Jewish Community Services
$50,000 program grant to provide emergency food, health care, and housing services for the Jewish community
Ka Hale A Ke Ola
$50,000 operating grant to support efforts to prevent homelessness and connect people experiencing housing insecurity to permanent housing on the island of Maui
Keshet Association for the Aged
$25,000 capital grant to support an increase in basic needs, as well as therapeutic beds for geriatric facilities
KEYS Empowers
$10,000 operating grant to support food distribution and housing assistance for older adults
Kokua Kalihi Valley Comprehensive Family Services
$50,000 operating grant to support the health, food security, and well-being of homebound older adult patients at this Federally Qualified Health Center
Kupuna Food Security Coalition
$100,000 operating grant to support food security and meal delivery for at-risk older adults
La Casa de las Madres
San Francisco, CA
$50,000 operating grant to provide housing and emergency services for those escaping domestic violence
Legal Aid Society of Hawai‘i
$30,000 operating grant to provide critical eviction-prevention services for families who have lost income
Living Classrooms Foundation
$15,000 operating grant to support the distribution of food and other essential items for residents
Lyte Collective
$25,000 operating grant to support this organization’s efforts to keep youth safe and sheltered and to provide them with mental health services and other emergency assistance
Manna House
$20,000 operating grant to support meal and grocery delivery for homebound individuals, including older adults
Maryland Family Network
$25,000 operating grant to support the distribution of food and other essential items for families with young children
Maryland Philanthropy Network
$20,000 program grant to support the Baltimore Neighbors Network as they respond to the rising behavioral health needs of older adults
Maui Economic Opportunity
$75,000 operating grant to support this organization that will provide stable housing and wraparound services for individuals who have been justice-involved and are reentering society
$50,000 program grant to support emergency resources for Housing Authority residents, including trauma counseling and workforce coaching for participants of the MyGoals program
Meals on Wheels of San Francisco
San Francisco
$50,000 operating grant to support meal distribution for older adults, adults with disabilities, and other homebound individuals
$50,000 operating grant to provide virtual support for individuals with dementia, and their families, with the goal of improving social isolation
$50,000 operating grant to provide mental health services, in light of increased isolation, for vulnerable populations including older adults
Next One Up Foundation
$10,000 operating grant to provide food and other essential items for members of this organization’s program
Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services
New York City
$100,000 operating grant to support the implementation of a 24/7 hotline, case management, emergency shelter, and counseling for those escaping domestic violence
Orr Shalom
$25,000 operating grant to provide counseling, financial assistance, and employment services for young adults with limited family support
Osborne Association
New York City
$50,000 operating grant to provide emergency services for individuals being released from jails
Pacific American Foundation
$50,000 program grant to help students, kindergarten through grade 12, and their families bridge the learning gap created by distance learning
Penn-Mar Human Services
$15,000 operating grant to support the increased cost of providing food and residential programming for people with developmental disabilities
PHI (Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute)
New York City
$300,000 program grant to support this organization’s partnership with UJA Federation of New York, with the goal of responding to the urgent needs of the home care sector by implementing new training interventions
Project Hospitality
New York City
$50,000 program grant to support emergency housing needs and to help those experiencing homelessness through the use of stabilization beds and additional support services
Project Open Hand
San Francisco
$50,000 capital grant to support the purchase of additional food storage equipment, which will help meet the demand of food and meal delivery for older adults
Red Hook Initiative
New York City
$50,000 program grant to support a summer youth employment program focused on youth and community development
San Francisco and Marin Food Bank
San Francisco
$50,000 operating grant to support additional food distribution for residents
Second Harvest of Silicon Valley
San Francisco
$50,000 operating grant to support additional food distribution for residents
Services for the Underserved
New York City
$100,000 program grant to support increased needs at the Aegis Domestic Violence shelter
Shalom Bayit
San Francisco, CA
$50,000 operating grant to support this organization that provides emergency services for women escaping domestic violence within the Jewish community
SHALVA – Chicago
$25,000 operating grant to support the implementation of a 24/7 hotline, case management, emergency shelter, and counseling for those escaping domestic violence
Soccer Without Borders
$10,000 operating grant to support food delivery and coping services for refuge and immigrant youth
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
$25,000 operating grant to provide essential services, including food and shelter
New York City
$50,000 operating grant to support this organization’s shift to online technology and help program participants develop new job skills aligned with employer’s changing needs
Susannah Wesley Community Center
$50,000 operating grant to support this organization in providing housing stability for survivors of exploitation and abuse
Swords to Plowshares
San Francisco
$25,000 operating grant to provide shelter and other basic needs for homeless veterans
$25,000 operating grant to provide emergency virtual support, including rights entitlement, financial advice, and employment assistance for Haredi women who are newly unemployed
$25,000 operating grant to support this organization’s work helping survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, and human trafficking
Urban Alliance
$20,000 operating grant to support this organization’s transition to virtual programming, as well as assistance for displaced interns
Volunteers of America – Chesapeake
$20,000 operating grant to support expanded delivery of residential rehabilitative services for adults with mental health illnesses
We are Oceania
$100,000 operating grant to support this organization in providing emergency solutions to the impacts of the pandemic on the Pacific Islander community
Wide Angle Youth Media
$10,000 operating grant to support emergency assistance and employment opportunities for older youth
New York City
$100,000 operating grant to help meet the immediate needs of homeless and formerly homeless individuals and families
Women’s Courtyard
$25,000 operating grant to provide emergency support, including food, counseling, and other essential services, for young adult women
Women’s Housing Coalition
$25,000 operating grant to support this organization’s delivery of emergency services for formerly homeless individuals and families
Women’s International Zionist Organization (WIZO)
$250,000 operating grant to support 14 domestic violence shelters with emergency expenses and to establish a temporary shelter for women escaping domestic violence
Women’s Spirit
$25,000 operating grant to provide emergency services for women escaping domestic violence
Yeladim B’Sikkuy
$25,000 operating grant to provide emergency support, including food, counseling, and other essential services, for young adult women with limited family support
YMCA of Honolulu
$25,000 program grant to support the Y Feeds Kids initiative that will deliver summer meals to children and youth